By now you are all probably wondering, “Where are all those projects Scarydad promised?”


I know, I know, but I have some really good excuses. You see, we’ve been doing some major overhauling to the landscaping around here. I shared with you my post about building the raised garden beds. Well since then the projects have not been so very interesting. A lot of time has been spent procuring, lugging, dumping, and spreading dirt. Then we did some reading of seed catalogs and sticking of seeds into the dirt. Then we had some people remove the rest of the 4×4 posts that the deck had been anchored to the ground with. As I took pictures of each of these things I realized I had about 30 HD pics of dirt, with the occasional leaf or stick thrown in to make it interesting. Then I realized that these things are not interesting.

So, I deleted those pics and looked around at some other things I had in the works but those things are on temporary hiatus until some tools I need arrive in the mail. So, for the next few days at least you will have to be satisfied with cool pictures and whatever else I can think of to talk about.

Oh wait, there is one thing I wanted to show you:

photo (7)

I hadn’t built in the trellis or the cover to keep critters out of the garden beds, so a bit of bird and squirrel activity was to be expected. But my markers keep getting tossed around to places much further than a squirrel would throw them. Well, yesterday it rained all day and the dirt got really wet and spongy. Those tracks are the size of my fist and if I’m not mistaken, have claw intentions as the thing worked to keep from sinking in the mud.

So, yeah. There is something rather large prowling around at night, and for a change, it’s not me.

One thought on “Where are the projects?”

  1. It always blows my mind how much wildlife there is in Houston. Maybe a digital with a motion trigger to get some great blog material.

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