A gentle rain falls as I…


…sit down to write tonight. It seems as if autumn has finally arrived. It’s cool and grey and the perfect weather to place letters one in front of the other. The only problem has been the drugs. Over the past few days I’ve been affected by the pain medicine and I think I haven’t fully recovered from the anesthesia. So basically whenever I sit down to write something I cannot type. Then, if I manage to make the fingers behave, the words on the page have been the ramblings of a second-grader with ADD and spelling problems. Not my normal way of doing things.

So October is 5-days gone now. The Halloween decorations have all been taken down to make way for Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff. I’m really excited about the holidays this year. Less than three weeks until Spawn of Scarydad Part II The Sequel is released and I can’t wait.

Spawn of Scarydad loved Halloween, by the way. She dressed as Snow White and charmed all the neighbors out of their candy and goodies. Then she ran around the cul-de-sac about 15 times before passing out cold in her costume. I manned the candy bowl. It wasn’t too bad for having had major surgery earlier in the day. Given the circumstances, Halloween was actually pretty good.

So, I’m announcing something of a hiatus but not really. See, writing for the blog is something I really enjoy and something I look forward to doing each day. But at the same time, I’ve sort of built up this expectation of myself to stay disciplined and write stuff several times a week, even if I’ve got nothing going on. That is totally not a problem. Some of the more fun posts and projects have come from evenings where I sat down with no idea what I was going to write about. It’s not that, it’s that very soon, I will be dealing with a newborn and a 3-year-old and a recovering Bride. It’s not that I don’t want to write several times a week, it’s that I don’t know if I’ll realistically be able to.

But what I don’t want to do is announce a “hiatus” and intentionally not write for however long. I’d rather just keep it open-ended and do what I feel like. If I feel like writing every day and I am able to, then that’s what I’ll do. More likely, however, I think you can expect one or two posts per week or longer times between posts. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I just felt like warning you that posting frequency might get inconsistent and that’s why.

Well, that’s it for me for tonight.

Take care.

Now where’d I put that…

Oh. Hello. Sorry, I didn’t see you there.

I know, I know. I’m supposed to be telling you entertaining stories and showing you how to do things. But I can explain.

See, I’m in the middle of doing lots of really neat things, but unfortunately, as my ambition has grown, so has the amount of time needed to complete the projects.

I swear to you that I have been out in the lab almost every night doing really cool things just for you. It’s just that there isn’t much to tell. Sometimes you have to let the corpse ripen a bit before you can move on with the project and watching decay is little more interesting than watching paint dry.

I’ll be out in force soon, though. Soon enough it’ll be too damn hot to go outside anyway.

That’s it for today. Tune in tomorrow to find out…

Well that didn’t go as planned…

Good evening everyone. I must apologize for my lack of awesome project content over the past couple of weeks. I’ve been somewhat distracted with things that are not altogether fun to discuss. So I went out to the lab tonight with every intent of producing something of such grandeur that it would make up it.

And I totally failed.

All the screw ups are not worth mentioning individually except to say that on an average night I rarely encounter a single snag, much less several.

It’s a strange evening indeed when your old pal Scarydad comes inside early. It was that rough.

Oh well.


Scarydad Project: Sam from Trick ‘r Treat

IMG_3520 Good evening my faithful Minions! As you read last week, I recently watched Trick ‘r Treat for the first time and loved every second of it. Ever since then, little Sam has been begging to come alive. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to grant his wish. Please come along and see how this character came about.


Lil’ Hot Rod


Just a quick post tonight but I wanted to tell you about something.

While we were waiting for the paint to dry on the fairy door, Spawn of Scarydad and I decided to make a little car. I cut out the body and the axles, she chose the paint colors. We both sanded and prepped the parts, and we both painted. Now, in the spirit of anonymity I cannot share these videos with you because unfortunately the little one was not wearing her mask. But I assure you she helped a lot.

It’s almost more rewarding to watch her play with a toy we made together than with one I made for her by myself.

Anyway, just thought you might like to know.

Scarydad Project: Texas Flag


Good evening my friends. As I told you the other day, Bride and I have been reworking the lawn situation over here at Fort Scarydad.

At a festival a few weeks back I saw something I liked that being sold for a price I didn’t like. So I naturally took a closer look to see if and how I could make one myself.

By the way, I live in Texas where luckily we have a cool flag. If you live in a non-cool flag-having state, you are free to find another project to do.
