Wednesday Weirdness


Hello Minions! It’s that time of the week again. As we move loser to that wonderful day, I will keep posting the clever, creative, and awesome Halloween and Horror-inspired pics from around the net. Please feel free to submit your own pics and links as well.

Happy haunting!



I don’t know why but lately I’ve been hearing a lot of people complaining about the availability of Halloween stuff in stores. This year the complaints are more heartfelt; the frustration apparent.

This completely baffles me. And here’s why:

I live in Houston. For the geographically challenged, that’s in southeast Texas. For most of the year the temperature is higher than 100 degrees and relative humidity hovers around 100%. The air is teeming with mosquitoes, almost year-round. It is not unheard of to be in shorts and a t-shirt and sweating on Christmas day around here. If it ever happens to snow, even for a few minutes, it shuts the city down. That’s how un-used to cold weather we are here. 8-9 months out of the year we live in a steamy, soupy, buggy swamp where the hot air is so thick, it’s difficult to breathe. Autumn and Winter, rather than being seasons, are simply waves of cool and cold fronts between hot days. Spring is just hot.

The day after Labor Day you typically see Fall-themed or Halloween stuff being put out at retail. That’s pretty common. And every time I see it it makes me happy.

It makes me happy because it’s a promise to the eventual end of 20+ consecutive days of triple-digit heat. It makes me happy because the holidays are coming and the holidays typically mean time off from work, seeing family, and getting food and presents.

Look, I realize that holidays are over-commercialized. If you don’t like that, then make your own costume. Make your own treats. Make your own decorations. Then take a picture of your creation and send it in. That’s why we’re here!

Oh yeah, and another thing, lady: Lighten up. Halloween is awesome.


Things they do in movies that drive me nuts

You ever been watching a movie and everything is running along just fine until suddenly one of the characters is faced with an earth-shattering revelation about life, the universe, and everything, and then their reaction is just… wrong? 

Or, say your suspension of disbelief is firmly in place and your mind is happily wandering through a fantastical wonderland but then suddenly midi-chlorians?

There are limits to our ability to go along with a story. Strangely enough, those limits are pretty far out there when the writer properly sets up the rules for the universe he puts the characters into. I don’t need to believe in magic to enjoy the Harry Potter series. All I need to believe is that magic is legit in Harry’s world and everything’s fair game.

But when the writer screws up it really bugs me. Here are a few of the most common things they do in movies and TV shows that drive me nuts.


Cool Halloween Lanterns

pumpkin lanterns


By guest contributor David Collins

What springs to mind when you think of decorations for Halloween? Maybe you’re looking to decorate the front of your house to attract trick-or-treaters or spook up your lounge in preparation for a ghoulish Halloween-themed party?


Nightmare Before Christmas Project Part 2: The Rest of it

Jack Skellington Good morning my beautiful Minions! Today we finish the Nightmare Before Christmas project we started a couple of weeks ago. As you know, this year marks the 20th anniversary of Jack Skellington and his friends and I thought a Nightmare themed yard haunt was apropos.  Come with me as I show you how I made Jack, Sally, and Zero.


Scarydad Tribute: Supergirl

best-of-tapiture-thechive-88-10d1e9f1-sz500x974-animate Evening Minions. I was just outside working on a project for you when I realized I hadn’t yet posted something for you to love today. A while back I did a tribute to Wonder Woman followed soon after by a tribute to Gotham City. Both have remained two of my most popular posts since launching the site. Well lo and behold, I opened a folder and found a gallery’s worth of pics for a tribute to Kara Zor-El. Enjoy! (more…)