Zombie Survival Quick Hit: Start a Fire Using Fritos

Hello there my beloved. I trust you all survived the recent holiday? I’m sure your continued existence is due at least in part to the advice you’ve been receiving here. No, no; no need to thank me yet. We still have a lot of ground to cover and there still exist teeming masses bent on consuming your brain. You can thank me later, and in the meantime I’ll think of some acceptable methods…

But tonight we must learn together. Tonight we discuss fire.


Zombie Survival Series: Arm Yourself!

Zombie Survival

Hello Minions. This evening we continue our Zombie Survival Series so that when it all goes down, the only ones left will be us. Then we can rebuild society as it should be, with a lot more jet packs and a lot less Burger King.

As we prepare for the inevitable holocaust, we must ensure that the gear we carry is useful, trustworthy, and as lethal as possible. Whether your attacker is reanimated dead or a run of the mill street thug, if it threatens you or your family, it needs to be put down.

Tonight we discuss the ultimate survival weapon for almost any situation. Tonight we discuss…


Zombie Survival Series: Get Ready

Good evening Minions. Today we begin what I hope will be an ongoing discussion on survival during the zombie apocalypse. You see, the apocalypse is coming and it is not going to be pleasant. How do I know that the dead are going to rise?

It’s because they always do.
