A few days ago I was tricked into stepping into daylight and to my great surprise, I did not explode into a ball of flame! It was about then that I decided that it’s been way too long since I actually “played” outside. I’m always doing things- a new project or tending the garden or some chore or tweak or cleanup job… so that all the playing gets done by other people and I wake up Monday morning sore and tired.
Well I finally decided to see what it was like to engage in a frivolous, unproductive activity just for the hell of it and it was awesome. Bride and Spawn and I kicked a ball back and forth with for a good part of the evening. Earlier in the day we tossed a Frisbee around, the little one did the best she could but just couldn’t get it to fly.
In a visit to my parents’ house last week I found my old skateboard. And by old I mean ancient! It’s a vintage 1985 Nash- big fat fish-tail board that weighs 15 pounds. I’ve had the thing since I was 10. What a sweet old board!
Anyway, just wanted to share that with you and to suggest that if you get a chance, go play outside for a while. It’s very therapeutic.