Scarydad Lifehack: Christmas Tree Funnel

Christmas Tree Funnel

Have a live Christmas tree and hate having to water it? Me too! You have to move all the presents, take multiple cups and attempt to get the water poured just right and not spill any. It’s not a difficult task, but it’s no fun. You could even say it sucks.

There has to be a better way!

Well, there is and today I’ll show you how to make one for about $3-$5 worth of materials instead of the $10 plus $5 shipping (Seriously!) devices found online.


Scarydad Tribute: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Hello there my faithful Minions I trust your sleep was properly troubled?

We only have a few short days until Halloween and I know that some of you are in a scramble to choose the perfect costume for this glorious evening.

Well, Scarydad is here to help! Here is a costume idea that is both classic and modern. It can be played up or down, conservative or lusty… It’s up to you!

Note: When I began research for this post I intended only a few photos and a tutorial on costume making, but there were just too many great pictures I couldn’t pass up. And if you like this gallery, check out our tribute to Gotham City for some sexy Batgirls and Catwomen!



Scarydad Project: Flying Yard Ghosts


Good evening my beloved. Tonight I will show you how to make floating ghosts for your yard haunt. These are very simple to make and have a very cool floating/flying effect when the wind blows. Here’s how to make them:


Scarydad Project: Fence Bats


Good evening. Tonight’s project is very inexpensive, but very clever. I guarantee everyone will be impressed with this one. When Bride hatched the plan, I was pretty impressed myself. It also only takes 5-10 minutes to make these. All you need is  a sharpie, scissors, a stapler, and some trash bags.


Make a Scarecrow on the cheap


Good evening my friends! Tonight I will show you how to construct a wonderfully inexpensive little scarecrow for your yard haunt but first I must thank The Morrigan for stepping up in a time of crisis. You see, your friendly neighborhood Scarydad was attempting to revive something he found in the road and he learned that more electricity is not always the answer to an unresponsive specimen. My electronic portal to your world was temporarily shut down until after “sometime between 12 & 5 PM.”

That portal has been reopened so let’s get to work, shall we?


Scarydad Project: Gravestones

Tim Burton Gravestone

Good day my faithful Minions! Isn’t the weather wonderful? Well, Bride of Scarydad made me promise to wait until October before setting up the yard haunt. Man, I have so many projects it’s going to take the better part of October to get it all set up! I suppose if I put out a little bit every day I won’t have to hire a mutant. But then again, there is all the fun that comes with having a mutant hanging around for a few days…

I’ll keep my options open.

Meanwhile, behind the facade of this innocent looking suburban home, I have been creating pure mayhem. And gravestones. Mayhem and gravestones, yes indeed. Click the “Read More” button and I’ll show you how I did it!


Awesome Wheelchair Costumes!

Do y’all want to see something awesome that will also warm your heart?

Check out these super-creative wheelchair costumes! I just pulled a couple pictures off the site to show off. There are a lot more RIGHT HERE!

This one is my favorite.

 Go check them out!

Scarydad Project: Skeleton Jack

Skeleton Jack

Good afternoon faithful Minions. Today I show you how to make your own Skeleton Jack o’ Lantern. Please let me know what you think by adding a comment or sending a message to me at

Happy Haunting!


Pinterest Project: Pumpkin Muffins

Hello there my faithful Fallen. Today we launch the Pinterest Project we discussed last week. This project also falls under the Fun for Under $5 projects that began with some googly eyes. I will be adding some tags and category headings a little later on and hopefully this will be a regular thing. The spirit of DIY is not to have to shell out a bunch of cash to realize an idea. I hope to help with that.

So, here was the project, copied directly from Pinterest, description and all:

Pumpkin Muffins
“Um yum……. I may never eat anything else for breakfast again. Pumpkin Muffins – only 2 ingredients. That’s right, just the cake mix and the pumpkin. No oil, no eggs, no water, nothing else. Bake at 350, this is a Weight Watchers treat, very low cal.”
