Make your own creepy decor.

IMG_3403So I was perusing some retail websites looking for something interesting and possibly creepy to decorate the lab and shop. Most of what I found was pretty expensive for a place that is constantly full of floating sawdust and corpse particles. I had just about given up when it struck me like a shillelagh to the noggin that I actually run a website where I make things myself. Duh!

So, I changed focus, went over to Vintage Printable and set about betterizing my shop and lab.

Wanna see how I did it?


A very tall gift for my (coming soon) neice


So in the not too distant future I’m going to be an uncle. This is awesome because little Spawn will grow up with her cousin much in the same way I grew up with some of mine, which was a very fun way to be a kid.

My sister (who come to think of it I’ve called ScaryCarrie for 20 years) is going to be a mom and she set about decorating the baby’s room in a woodland theme.

I wanted to make something special for everyone and so began to think of things I could do. The more I thought, the more I imagined the picture you see above. However, I don’t think I realized my inspiration until I was done with the project.

I had ideas, you see…


Scarydad Project: Flying Yard Ghosts


Good evening my beloved. Tonight I will show you how to make floating ghosts for your yard haunt. These are very simple to make and have a very cool floating/flying effect when the wind blows. Here’s how to make them:


Scarydad Project: Fence Bats


Good evening. Tonight’s project is very inexpensive, but very clever. I guarantee everyone will be impressed with this one. When Bride hatched the plan, I was pretty impressed myself. It also only takes 5-10 minutes to make these. All you need is  a sharpie, scissors, a stapler, and some trash bags.


Make a Scarecrow on the cheap


Good evening my friends! Tonight I will show you how to construct a wonderfully inexpensive little scarecrow for your yard haunt but first I must thank The Morrigan for stepping up in a time of crisis. You see, your friendly neighborhood Scarydad was attempting to revive something he found in the road and he learned that more electricity is not always the answer to an unresponsive specimen. My electronic portal to your world was temporarily shut down until after “sometime between 12 & 5 PM.”

That portal has been reopened so let’s get to work, shall we?


Scarydad Project: Gravestones

Tim Burton Gravestone

Good day my faithful Minions! Isn’t the weather wonderful? Well, Bride of Scarydad made me promise to wait until October before setting up the yard haunt. Man, I have so many projects it’s going to take the better part of October to get it all set up! I suppose if I put out a little bit every day I won’t have to hire a mutant. But then again, there is all the fun that comes with having a mutant hanging around for a few days…

I’ll keep my options open.

Meanwhile, behind the facade of this innocent looking suburban home, I have been creating pure mayhem. And gravestones. Mayhem and gravestones, yes indeed. Click the “Read More” button and I’ll show you how I did it!


Scarydad Project: Skeleton Jack

Skeleton Jack

Good afternoon faithful Minions. Today I show you how to make your own Skeleton Jack o’ Lantern. Please let me know what you think by adding a comment or sending a message to me at

Happy Haunting!


Project: Jack O’ Lantern in the Box

Today’s project is the little Jack O’ Lantern-in-the-box from The Nightmare Before Christmas. This guy shows up about 3/4 of the way through the film when Halloweentown’s Christmas gifts come alive and start terrorizing the children. Above is a screenshot from the film and below is my finished guy:

Continue reading for a tutorial on how to create your own!
