trick r treat

Sometimes a movie gets by you. Such was the case with Trick ‘r Treat until very recently. I had seen the movie poster but for whatever reason I never paid attention. Then one day I saw a picture of a Sam action figure and thought, “Man, that is cool.” So I watched the movie.

Man, that is cool.

Now wonder how the hell I missed this movie!

Ok, so I’m sitting here thinking of the best way to explain the movie without giving too much away and I’m realizing that I probably can’t do it so I’ll do the best I can.

Trick ‘r Treat is the story of Halloween night in a little town. That’s what it is. Several separate and loosely connected stories play out over the course of the film, most occurring at or about the same time. There is a killer who poisons candy, a beautiful girl being stalked by a mysterious vampire, and an innocent Red Riding Hood being menaced on the way to a costume party. There’s a group of kids playing pranks who discover something horrible, a little boy who wants help carving a jack o’ lantern, and a lady who learns why you need to keep the jack o’ lanterns lit. And through it all, there’s Sam, the little burlap-headed trick-or-treater who just wants some candy. And who will ensure that I always have an extra bag just in case he shows up…

But when the stories come together, this movie is not about werewolves, demons, or monsters- It’s about Halloween itself.

While the different chapters run the gamut from creepy to campy to downright disturbing, the scenery is alive with colors and textures that just pull you into the best of all holidays. You can taste caramel apples and you can smell burning leaves when you watch this movie. And although the scenes that play out are horrifying, you (I) can’t help but want to throw on a mask and join the party.

This movie is a hell of a lot of fun.

Scarydad review: **** Four out of 5 stars

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