Make your own creepy decor.

IMG_3403So I was perusing some retail websites looking for something interesting and possibly creepy to decorate the lab and shop. Most of what I found was pretty expensive for a place that is constantly full of floating sawdust and corpse particles. I had just about given up when it struck me like a shillelagh to the noggin that I actually run a website where I make things myself. Duh!

So, I changed focus, went over to Vintage Printable and set about betterizing my shop and lab.

Wanna see how I did it?


A very tall gift for my (coming soon) neice


So in the not too distant future I’m going to be an uncle. This is awesome because little Spawn will grow up with her cousin much in the same way I grew up with some of mine, which was a very fun way to be a kid.

My sister (who come to think of it I’ve called ScaryCarrie for 20 years) is going to be a mom and she set about decorating the baby’s room in a woodland theme.

I wanted to make something special for everyone and so began to think of things I could do. The more I thought, the more I imagined the picture you see above. However, I don’t think I realized my inspiration until I was done with the project.

I had ideas, you see…


Wednesday Picdump: Best of 2012


You can rest uneasily tonight because I am back. The holiday season was one of much revelry, drinking, mirth-making, and merriment and a very much needed break from just about everything. But I am recharged, happy, and whole again, ready to tear 2013 a new one. Seriously. I have some great things in development for this site.

But first, I felt compelled to review some of the highlights of 2012. Sometimes as I create a picture dump certain pictures stand out and I copy them to a separate folder for further review. I went back through that folder today as I was archiving some material and decided to share its contents with you. These are, in my opinion, the best of the picdump photos of 2012.

As always, if you like what you see please Like us on Facebook,and Follow us on Twitter and Pinterest. Links to our pages are on the right of your screen —–>

Also, be sure to submit your own pictures, stories, and project ideas to me at

Happy New Year everyone and thanks for coming around.



Santa’s Helpers

Sexy Santas


Good day my beloved and faithful Minions! Your lovable pal Scarydad will be employed in building toys and wrapping and unwrapping presents for the coming days. I will get on to post from time to time but I don’t know if I’ll manage the normal pace. I am all over Facebook and Twitter, though so feel free to say hello there. In the meantime, please enjoy this gallery of cute girls and Christmas cheer.


A Very Special Episode: The 13 in 13 Challenge

Stay Tuned for a Very Special Episode of Scarydad

When I was 7 years old I got a guitar for Christmas. I took about 3 lessons and learned a couple of chords before it went into the closet never to be seen again. But that’s not right. I saw it often. I would pull it out and play around with it, decide it was too hard again and put it away. All the while wishing that I could play a guitar.


Wednesday Picdump

Evil SnowmenHello again my friends. I’m sorry I haven’t been all that talkative this week. I’ve been working on a couple of projects behind the scenes and unfortunately some of it took longer than expected and burned up all my making-blog-stuff time.

Not to worry however. I’ll not let you go without a post tonight. Enjoy this picture dump and sleep soundly knowing that Scarydad has everything under control.
