Great White Hot Rod (Part 1)

White Shark

A while back I began making little animal cars for Spawn. People seem to like them so I’ve decided to make a few and post them on Etsy for sale. They’re not ready yet but I will certainly tell you when you can buy one. In the meantime I thought you might be interested to see what goes into making a simple wooden toy.

I begin by creating a template. I sketch a few versions and go with my favorite. Then I make a couple copies in case something happens to the original, and cut him out.


Make Realistic & Functional Hands for your Haunts!

scary hand

Good evening my beloved Minions! I trust you are well. I have returned from my vacation in the most haunted city in America to bring you a happy and refreshed Scarydad who is brimming with ideas and upcoming projects. We’re already past the halfway point to Halloween! Time to get back to work!!!

So tonight I’m going to show you how I make hands for my various creatures. The tutorial is a basic human hand but the technique can be used to make virtually any size hands for any type of monster, so let’s get creative…


Scarydad Project: Sam from Trick ‘r Treat

IMG_3520 Good evening my faithful Minions! As you read last week, I recently watched Trick ‘r Treat for the first time and loved every second of it. Ever since then, little Sam has been begging to come alive. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to grant his wish. Please come along and see how this character came about.


Scarydad Project: The Glort


IMG_3492Tonight The Morrigan and I show you how to create and cultivate your own Glort. What is a Glort, you ask?

A Glort is a thing you can make with ingredients you probably already have around the house. It eats fingers and is totally evil so there’s lots of fun to be had.


Lil’ Hot Rod


Just a quick post tonight but I wanted to tell you about something.

While we were waiting for the paint to dry on the fairy door, Spawn of Scarydad and I decided to make a little car. I cut out the body and the axles, she chose the paint colors. We both sanded and prepped the parts, and we both painted. Now, in the spirit of anonymity I cannot share these videos with you because unfortunately the little one was not wearing her mask. But I assure you she helped a lot.

It’s almost more rewarding to watch her play with a toy we made together than with one I made for her by myself.

Anyway, just thought you might like to know.

Scarydad Project: Fairy Door

IMG_3458 Hello there my friends. The other day I was thinking and it occurred to me that it’s been too long since I’ve created a portal to another dimension and it was about that time. So, I created a fairy door.

What is a fairy door, you ask?


Scarydad Project: Texas Flag


Good evening my friends. As I told you the other day, Bride and I have been reworking the lawn situation over here at Fort Scarydad.

At a festival a few weeks back I saw something I liked that being sold for a price I didn’t like. So I naturally took a closer look to see if and how I could make one myself.

By the way, I live in Texas where luckily we have a cool flag. If you live in a non-cool flag-having state, you are free to find another project to do.


Scarydad Essentials



Good evening once again my good and faithful Minions! I trust you are well. Tonight I will discuss a few items that are essential to the Scarydad supply list. There are definitely the obvious ones like hammers, saws, and a freezer full of skin. But if you don’t have those things already you might be just a little behind. No, these are some of the things that have proven completely indispensable over the years and have proven their worth by either running out, getting lost, or something so that I notice and terribly miss their presence, or worse, cause projects to remain incomplete until replacements arrive.

So, without further ado, the first Scarydad essentials list:


13 Skills Update



Hello there everybody! How are you today? Me? I’m mostly pretty good, thanks for asking.

Today I don’t have much going on so I figured I’d update you on my progress on the 13 in 13 challenge I discussed last month. It also occurred to me that it might be a good idea to do an update each month to ensure that I keep up with the challenge myself. That way you can keep me honest…  Well, not when it comes to the things in the crawlspace; just this.
