Autumn Reading: Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories

Ghost Story

I’m going to make it quick tonight my friends. The cold weather is upon us as well as pumpkin spice and holiday cheer. Nothing improves the mood like a good ghost story. And who better to recommend a great ghost story than the incomparable Roald Dahl?

I picked up Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories years ago and it continues to be a favorite of mine. These stories run the gamut from creepy to weird to downright scary. It is said that Dahl read 749 stories in search of the best ones to include in this collection. In my opinion, he chose well.

Scarydad Review: Sinister


Good evening my beloved. Tonight we discuss one of the most frightening films I’ve seen in a good long time. Seriously, I saw Sinister on Saturday evening and it’s still messing with me when I go to bed each night. In the sea of pop culture crap that tries to pass as “horror,” this is the real thing.


Scarydad Tribute: Gotham City

Sexy Batgirl

Good evening my beloved Minions. Wow, do we have a lot in store in the coming weeks. It may have seemed a little quiet around here for the past couple of days but in reality I’ve been hard at work making plans for the future of Scarydad. In short, we only have 12 short months until next Halloween. It may seem like a long time, but I launched this site in June. That’s 5 months gone, just like that. I have binders full of ideas for blog posts to keep you entertained and scared.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I posted a tribute to Wonder Woman which has since become my most traveled post. I’ve had several requests for similar themed galleries so let’s get started.

As always, you can submit pictures or ideas to me at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


Halloween Hangover Picdump

Good evening my beloved minions. Well, the hour has come and passed. I hope the tutorials and picture dumps provided inspiration and instruction to help you kick your Halloween up a notch or two.

But hey! Don’t go away now. There’s only 364 more days until next Halloween. If you weren’t planning for it today, then unlike me you failed to get two 5′ skeletons, several boxes of lights, 2 resin skulls, and a bag of bones at Walgreens for less than $50!

What a haul!

We aren’t going anywhere either. We here at Scarydad believe there’s a little bit of Halloween in every day and we’re going to help you find it. Stay tuned in the coming days for more tutorials, tips, tricks, and other ways to make your holidays more enjoyable.


Twins of Evil: Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson Review


It’s probably the most anticipated and envy-inspiring show to have come along since Taylor Swift played here.. Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, two masters of horror, together at last. I set an alarm to buy tickets the morning they went on sale and a little less than an hour later they were sold out. I’ve been looking forward to this… (more…)

Crazy Sexy Costume Dump!


Good evening Minions! We have less than 2 days before Halloween. Is your costume chosen and purchased or are you still trying to figure out what to do? I have collected some very cool, clever, sweet, and sexy ideas from around the entire universe and will be presenting them here today and tomorrow.

In the meantime, you can help your favorite Scarydad out a bit by submitting your own crazy, sexy, and cool pics from your Halloween celebrations. As always, if you like what you see, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


I Want This!

Hello Minions. I apologize for showing up late tonight. I’ve been in the middle of super secret important stuff and couldn’t break away. But, now here I am. Tonight we’re going to do something a little different.

We all know that Sandy Claws will be coming over soon to clog our chimneys with presents. And for some reason tonight I feel the Christmas spirit a little bit. The other night I began my wish list for this time of the year. As I was doing research for something else entirely, I stumbled upon this: The Addams Family – The Complete Series and I thought about how much I love that show and how I haven’t seen it in reruns lately so that it wold be a perfect gift for me!

And if I like it, your loved ones are bound to love it too because I have impeccable taste!


Wednesday Picdump


Hooray! Only one more week until Halloween! I cannot wait!

I got a slight dose of it at the celebration the other night. I also consumed way too much witches’ brew so that I was walking low the next several days, of which today is one. It’s been all I can do to bring you all the joy that is Scarydad each night. And for that, scissors and okra. Seriously.

Enjoy tonight’s picdump and sleep well my friends. Be sure to save your energy for next Wednesday. As always, if you like what you see, please leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or follow on Twitter. To submit your own photos email me at


I Want This!

Mezco Frank
If you have someone in your life who is a fan of classic monster movies, this Universal Monsters 9″ Frankenstein figure by Mezco Toys is a pretty good gift idea. And just in case you were wondering, I have a spot on the shelf in the lair that would make old Frank feel right at home.

Seriously. I saw this figure at Toys R Us the other day but it’s that time of the year when I’m not allowed to buy stuff for myself. 😉

Videos to keep you from Sleeping

Good evening everyone. Wow, what a weekend! We made it through the first annual Scarydad Halloween Bash and boy was it fun! Only just now are the various potions and poisons I consumed beginning to wear off. My fangs are retracting as we speak but the sensitivity to light is still pretty intense. I believe this recovery may take a while.

But hey, I’m still here for you. Tonight we present some horror fodder to help you sleep a little better. Pay special attention to American Horror Story. This is a truly frightening show and I cannot wait for Wednesday night for the second episode.

Have fun!
