Scarydad and Autodidact in the Attic review The Conjuring


Today I’m talking about The Conjuring with Victoria from Autodidact in the Attic. I really liked it. Victoria said, “Meh.”

In the first of what I hope will be many point/counterpoint reviews, we’re going to see who’s right. I’ll go first:


For my reviews, I typically don’t care about the writer or director or the pedigree of the film. I don’t really even care about the actors. For me there’s one question above all others: Is it scary?

Scary doesn’t need to be qualified, either. Scary is scary. Therefore, it’s all subjective. What scares me might not scare you. What’s generally the case, however, is that what scares everybody else does not scare me.

So, why was The Conjuring so scary?


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

This post is sponsored by Grammarly. I use the plagiarism checker at because the original is always better than the remake. 


Hello there Minions, tonight we will be discussing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. I was inspired to read the adventures of Ichabod Crane and that cranially-challenged Hessian because of recent features by Boys and Ghouls and Autodidact in the Attic on their blogs.

The Headless Horseman has always fascinated me and I’ve been familiar with the story since I was a very small boy. And because if this I had always assumed, somehow, that I had read the original story by Irving. After reading Victoria’s blog post, however, I realized that there was a possibility that I hadn’t. That, instead, I had simply let all the different TV and storybook versions become an amalgam of story that eventually coalesced in my mind.


Why I’m Scared of Clowns


Hello there Minions. Just catching up on some blogging while waiting to feed Sequel. So, a couple of weeks ago Victoria and I discussed things that are and are not scary as they related to a movie. In that discussion I pointed out that clowns were creepy and Victoria said that they were not. I then pointed out this scene from Poltergiest:


Interview with Alex Gianinni, Author of the Gothic Children’s Book: Sarah Faire and the House at the End of the World

Sarah Faire One


Back when Victoria interviewed Amber at Southern Gothica, you may have noticed the picture of the bear and the book. The bear is a character in a Gothic childrens’ book entitled Sarah Faire and the House at the End of the World. Now, I didn’t realize this when I was posting pics for that article. I just thought it looked cool. Well, Amber put me in touch with Alex, and he and I chatted about Sarah Faire.


Scarydad’s 200th Post!!!


Hey there loyal SD Minions! Tonight we have a special episode: The 200th blog post on! Roughly 100 episodes ago we celebrated our 100th Episode Extravaganza and we thought that was impressive. This almost double the accomplishment, so I think we should be at least 2/3 more excited, don’t you?

The first post went live about 13 lucky months ago and since then, well let me just say it’s been a fun and eventful year.


Guest Interview: Amber from Southern Gothica


Tonight we have a guest post from Victoria over at The Autodidact in the Attic. Victoria likes all kinds of really cool stuff and she scours the internet for said cool stuff and talks about it on her site. When you’re done reading this post and buying dolls from Amber, click the links above and below and check it out.

So, without further ado, here’s the interview with Amber at Southern Gothica by V. L. Craven:

There are loads of talented gothy-types out there, but occasionally, you come across someone who’s extra-talented and a little extra-gothy, as well. Amber, who runs Southern Gothica on Etsy, is one such person. She hand-sews 10″ rag dolls of all of your favourite characters–from classics like Frankenstein’s Bride and the Mummy to sure-to-please goths like bats, Wednesday Addams & Eddie Munster to pop icons like Eric Draven from The Crow, the members of Dethklok and Severus Snape. As soon as I came across her shop I had to contact this person and request an interview. Happily, she agreed to answer some questions:


Wednesday Picdump


Good evening again my faithful minions, it’s Wednesday and you know what that means. After you’re done perusing these wonderful images, go check out my interview with the incomparable Victoria Craven over at The Autodidact in the Attic.

