I know, I know. The projects are few and far between and the normal everyday chat sessions are getting rarer too. I promise it’s not because I don’t love you. It’s just that…
Well, first of all, I’m in the middle of writing a book. I normally wouldn’t talk about something like this at this stage in the game, but I think I owe my readers and explanation and to say that I sit down and write every night. Whether it’s here or the book, or a feature for Dumb White Husband, or a short story or a forum post or something; I’m getting it done every single night.
Where am I going with this? Well, Sequel and Spawn have been keeping me busy for sure. If ever someone tells you that it’s possible that one plus one is more than two, let me tell you that they are, in fact, correct. Two kids is a lot more than one. Not that I’m complaining, you see, because I enjoy all the smiles and the cuddles and the puzzles and all, it’s just that I only have so much time in an evening to do anything and so, unfortunately, I can’t do everything.
Well, that’s not exactly true. I am still doing everything, just not with the same frequency as I was able to accomplish before.
Just wanted to let you all know that I’m still here and I’m still doing what I do. There is, in fact, a method to my madness and that method is, “Do everything you can. As much as you can, as fast as you can, in the little time you have. Every day.”
So, that’s what I’ve been doing. If you want to see more Scarydad posts, we are always accepting submissions from writers who want to write. I would love to get a few regular contributors if anyone is interested. Hit me up if you are.
And with that, I must go heat up a bottle. Farewell for now.
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