Shameless Plug for Awesome: Gerber Shard

Gerber Shard


A real quick and easy post tonight my friends. I just needed to sing the praises of this, my latest acquisition: The Shard, by Gerber.

The shard is about 3 inches long and apparently approved for air travel by the TSA. It boasts two flat-head and a philips driver, a pry bar, a wire stripper, a bottle opener, and for some reason the Gerber people think a lanyard hole is a function. That’s weird but I’m okay with it because I see their lanyard hole and raise them BACK SCRATCHER!!!

Yes, this thing is much better than a key for those hard to reach places when you need a little more reach.

Seriously though, I’ve had this tool for two days and I’ve already used it several times. It’s small, lightweight, and unobtrusive. My new favorite toy.