Project: Jack O’ Lantern in the Box

Today’s project is the little Jack O’ Lantern-in-the-box from The Nightmare Before Christmas. This guy shows up about 3/4 of the way through the film when Halloweentown’s Christmas gifts come alive and start terrorizing the children. Above is a screenshot from the film and below is my finished guy:

Continue reading for a tutorial on how to create your own!


Awesome Candle Holders

So I was just wasting time on the web, when I came across these:

Zombie candle holders!

These cool things cast zombified shadows wherever you put them. I think that’s pretty neat!

Update on the move and upcoming projects

"jack in the box"

Well, I’m finally getting my office together and finding my stuff. I know, I know. I’ve been here a few weeks now. What gives?

Well, that’s why we’re called Scarydad. I have a sweet little critter that loves to hang out and help but she’s not quite big enough to hold a level. So, I have to wait until after her bedtime each night to do certain things. However, once she’s asleep I have a problem keeping her that way when I’m banging on walls and dragging furniture around. In any case, the process has been a bit slower than I would have liked.
