A gentle rain falls as I…


…sit down to write tonight. It seems as if autumn has finally arrived. It’s cool and grey and the perfect weather to place letters one in front of the other. The only problem has been the drugs. Over the past few days I’ve been affected by the pain medicine and I think I haven’t fully recovered from the anesthesia. So basically whenever I sit down to write something I cannot type. Then, if I manage to make the fingers behave, the words on the page have been the ramblings of a second-grader with ADD and spelling problems. Not my normal way of doing things.

So October is 5-days gone now. The Halloween decorations have all been taken down to make way for Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff. I’m really excited about the holidays this year. Less than three weeks until Spawn of Scarydad Part II The Sequel is released and I can’t wait.

Spawn of Scarydad loved Halloween, by the way. She dressed as Snow White and charmed all the neighbors out of their candy and goodies. Then she ran around the cul-de-sac about 15 times before passing out cold in her costume. I manned the candy bowl. It wasn’t too bad for having had major surgery earlier in the day. Given the circumstances, Halloween was actually pretty good.

So, I’m announcing something of a hiatus but not really. See, writing for the blog is something I really enjoy and something I look forward to doing each day. But at the same time, I’ve sort of built up this expectation of myself to stay disciplined and write stuff several times a week, even if I’ve got nothing going on. That is totally not a problem. Some of the more fun posts and projects have come from evenings where I sat down with no idea what I was going to write about. It’s not that, it’s that very soon, I will be dealing with a newborn and a 3-year-old and a recovering Bride. It’s not that I don’t want to write several times a week, it’s that I don’t know if I’ll realistically be able to.

But what I don’t want to do is announce a “hiatus” and intentionally not write for however long. I’d rather just keep it open-ended and do what I feel like. If I feel like writing every day and I am able to, then that’s what I’ll do. More likely, however, I think you can expect one or two posts per week or longer times between posts. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I just felt like warning you that posting frequency might get inconsistent and that’s why.

Well, that’s it for me for tonight.

Take care.

4 More Days!!!



Good evening my precious and ever faithful minions! The hour is upon us. The day we’ve all been waiting for is almost here! Let’s have 3 cheers for the Great Pumpkin!!!

It is with very mixed emotions I approach the day. The lady called me a little while ago to go over the pre-surgery checklist. AAARRRGGGGHHH!!! Why did it have to be Halloween? Why?

On the bright side, I’ve always wanted to do one of those living prop scares where you sit really still and scare the kids when they come close to you. So we’ll see if I’m well enough by the evening to do something like that. Otherwise it’s just a painkiller evening watching scary movies on Netflix and eating stupid amounts of chocolate. Hell, why not? That actually sounds like a lot less work. I guess we’ll see how the day goes.

I have some orange paint drying and a few little things to show you guys when they’re done, so keep checking back this week and next. In the meantime just remember: You can never use too much fake blood. Just pour it on.

Spooky & Fun Halloween Jewelry

Today we have a guest post by Claire Thomas. Claire is a lean mean crafting machine. When she’s not whipping out everything from jewelry to repurposed furniture she is gardening with her daughter.

Three of the best things about Halloween include candy (duh), costumes (double duh) and an excuse to wear strange and / or creepy jewelry. I’ll show you some of my favorites I’ve seen around Etsy, and give you the creative option to make them yourself.

The Full Halloween Moon Necklace



This one will require just a few supplies. Bust out your jewelry making pliers (Wubbers makes the best set), black (half hard) wrapping wire with a chain to match it. You will also need any orange flat, circular bead. A yellow vintage button might work too. First, leave the wrapping wire uncut so as not to waste it. (more…)

Scarecrow Festival



Good evening everyone. Over the weekend I attended the Scarecrow Festival in Chappell Hill, Texas. What is the Scarecrow Festival, you ask?

Chappell Hill is a tiny town northwest of Houston. The festival comprises the entire town. There’s all the typical festival trappings: Turkey Legs, Beer, Funnel Cakes, Live Music, Arts & Crafts, and Pony Rides. During the Scarecrow festival, residents decorate their houses for Halloween and there are Scarecrows all over the place. It’s a lot of fun and we try to go every year.

Here are a few pics I snapped between turkey legs and funnel cakes.

Good times indeed. (more…)

Easy DIY Costumes


Source: FoundWalls

I’m Angela Johnson, a keen collector of craft supplies and belt buckles. I spend a lot of time tending to my huge organic garden, walking my dog and writing about my addiction to crafting for hairbowcenter.com.

Halloween is almost here! I can’t believe it! As my favorite holiday ever, I find myself at the height of my giddy excitement as we get nearer to All Hallows’ Eve. I like to go all out with decorations, parties and costumes. Here are a few simple tips for even the most craft-challenged of observers. (more…)