Tips For Your First Time Cosplaying at a Movie Theater


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Good evening my friends! Today I am reminded that we don’t have to wait for Halloween to dress up in awesome costumes and have lots of fun. More and more people are dressing up for movie premieres and local events such as Zombie Walk. Tonight we have an article submitted by a friend of Scarydad giving some tips on how to maximize fun and avoid potential problems when you dress up for a night of fun. Enjoy!

Movie premieres are always fun nights to dress up and enthrall yourself in the fun celebration of our childhood (or adulthood) heroes on the big screen. With Iron Man out now along with many other awesome superhero movies later this year there will be many fun opportunities to cosplay at the movie theater. Dressing up as your favorite character can be fun but sometimes we can get carried away in our enthusiasm or get caught up in some wannabe-tough guys taunts. The important things to remember are that you are in a public place, going to a family show, and the point is to have fun. Here are some tips for cosplaying a character at a movie theater for the first time:


Scarydad Essentials



Good evening once again my good and faithful Minions! I trust you are well. Tonight I will discuss a few items that are essential to the Scarydad supply list. There are definitely the obvious ones like hammers, saws, and a freezer full of skin. But if you don’t have those things already you might be just a little behind. No, these are some of the things that have proven completely indispensable over the years and have proven their worth by either running out, getting lost, or something so that I notice and terribly miss their presence, or worse, cause projects to remain incomplete until replacements arrive.

So, without further ado, the first Scarydad essentials list:


I want this


Hello there everyone. Well, it’s that time again. Time for me to share with you all the awesome stuff that makes the world just a little bit better for your lovable old friend Scarydad. Tonight we begin with one of the best things you can have on your bookshelf: The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. I don’t own the collection but I do have all the old books and I can tell you that this strip only gets better with age. One of the best and most honest social commentaries ever.


Wednesday Picdump


Hello there my sweet, beautiful and always faithful minions. Guess what? Your master has bested yet another plague. And all of a sudden we’re getting spam comments from someone trying to sell lawn equipment. What a weird world we live in.

So, enjoy this stuff while I go live in a world of brown paneling, giant mustaches, Star Wars, Gi Joe, fun, and never having to grow up. Oh yeah, blue bike tires, baseball cards, Bloody Mary, not being afraid but being terrified….

Here’s to being a kid.


I Want This


Hello Minions, it’s that time again. Time for me to offer suggestions for offerings you may make to your favorite mad blogger as, well, I wouldn’t call it a ransom, per se… I guess I’m just saying that we like to keep Scarydad happy around here and the things on this list would go far toward accomplishing that goal.

Ok, first item up this week: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy. Now I’m not one to quibble over the sciences. The experiments I perform are pretty straightforward- I gather parts from graveyards, morgues, junkyards, and thrift stores, throw in a little Elmer’s glue and high voltage, and I’m usually done before dinner. The finer sciences, such as Alchemy, I have always left to the experts. After all, if making lead into gold was easy enough for any idiot to accomplish, I would think it would be a closely guarded secret. Not so, apparently.


Make your own creepy decor.

IMG_3403So I was perusing some retail websites looking for something interesting and possibly creepy to decorate the lab and shop. Most of what I found was pretty expensive for a place that is constantly full of floating sawdust and corpse particles. I had just about given up when it struck me like a shillelagh to the noggin that I actually run a website where I make things myself. Duh!

So, I changed focus, went over to Vintage Printable and set about betterizing my shop and lab.

Wanna see how I did it?


Things I like a lot lately



Not much to explain, really. The following links are to podcasts and sites that I am really enjoying right now and I thought you might enjoy them too. Check them out, then let me know your favorite sites and sounds in the comments.

Okay then, in no particular order:


I want this.

Big Bad Wolf

Hello there my beloved minions. Tonight we continue Scarydad’s Christmas wish list. Or Holiday wish list. Whatever. You are allowed to buy me things any day, any time and I won’t complain. Anyway, let’s get to it. The first thing to have caught my eye was this offering from Living Dead Dolls: The Big Bad Wolf. What I really like about it is that it’s subtle.
