Hello again everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve done regular posting so I figured it was time I let you all in on what’s been going on here at Castle Scarydad.
First up, the family. Spawn and Sequel are doing well, thank you. Sequel is already almost 5 months old! Time flies when you are extraordinarily busy.
Spawn’s cheap yaffa-block book shelves finally collapsed under the weight of too many books so I went ahead and built her a real one. She asked if she could pick the color so yesterday we went to yon Home Depot and she picked out a dark purple. Here’s a picture of her purple shelf in progress:

Next, I’ve been retooling the shop a bit. I only get a few minutes here and there to do extracurricular activities and lately those activities involve reading anarchistic philosophy tomes and watching Care Bears. However, when I do get a minute, I’ve been adding storage and improving access.

A week or so ago I was home sick from work and in addition to getting some much needed rest and a little bit of writing done, I also managed to see V/H/S 2.
I liked it overall. Will do a review of them both in the next few days. And finally,
If you haven’t seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, you need to go see it. It is probably not quite as badass as the Avengers, but that’s only because there’s no Hulk in this one. It is a really, really good movie though.
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