Hello there all my wonderful minions!
Well, July is almost gone and that certain trick of the light is there to tell us that Fall will soon be here. I cannot wait. The shop has been essentially shuttered since early June because it is simply impossible to work. I sweat so much the tools slip from my hands. And all the experiments are grumpy too. No good.
I did get one of these Skeletor Vinyl Figures and he’s about as cool as he looks.
And if you haven’t already, you need to get over to Southern Gothica and order one of Amber’s custom felt dolls. I got one of them and I can say that the quality is nothing short of amazing.
In other news, I’ve been working on a couple of stories. One was supposed to be a short story but it kind of got out of hand so I have to see where it goes. Another is a children’s story that isn’t scary but is pretty fun. As soon as I’m finished with it I will be looking for an illustrator, so if you know somebody please forward me their information.
Well, that’s about it for tonight. Tomorrow we have a really great interview with Marshall and Kat from the Boys and Ghouls Podcast, so please make sure you catch that.