Good evening. Tonight’s feature is a good scary movie that should keep your feet under the covers all night long. Let me tell you about The Woman in Black.
Arthur Kipps is a young lawyer who is sent to a remote English village to settle the estate of Mrs. Drablow, the deceased owner of a mansion called Eel Marsh House. Upon his arrival, the locals are unwelcoming and insist he leave the village and return to London. Arthur must complete the assignment or he will lose his job so he ignores their pleas. As he investigates the house and reveals its history, horrible and fatal accidents befall the children of the locals. Whenever someone sees the Woman in Black, a child is going to die…
I have to admit that I went into this movie with no expectations. The Morrigan and I caught it one evening as sort of an afterthought. I also have to admit that this movie scared me pretty badly; not in a traumatic or life-changing way, but in a way that made me say to myself, “Self, that movie was damn scary!”

Ok, before you get all up in arms saying things like, “But you’re the SCARYDAD! How can you be that scared of this movie?” I’ll explain why it was so good.
First of all, it used old-fashioned scares. There was little violence and no gore. Mostly it was the mystery of what might be behind the door… And in an old, dark English manor house in a foggy marsh, even if there isn’t anything behind the door, you will be convinced that there is. Which brings me to the next point:
There is something behind the door. The Woman is real as is the menace and the danger in her presence. As Arthur works to unravel the mystery, the haunting only gets worse and there are very real consequences for failure. This removes his ability to run away. As bad as it gets, he has to stay and see it through. And that sucks because
The house is full of this stuff!!!
Look, it’s not The Shining or anything, but it is a solid ghost story that is actually scary. I highly recommend it for anyone who likes scary movies.
Scarydad review: ***1/2 Three and 1/2 out of 5 stars.