Last night I went to take a shower to wash off some of the blood and when I came back my computer had gone black screen o’ death. Not a fun evening.
So, I’ve replaced it with new equipment but I’ve only just plugged it in and am getting it set up. I have not transferred data from the old to the new machine.
There is also something wrong with my email. I don’t know what’s going on but when I try to reply to email I get a strange error message. My hosting company has a message up on their site saying they are having technical difficulties too so they may be related.
If you submitted a request for guest postings, I have seen them and I am interested but I cannot respond to you personally. Be patient and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Otherwise you may reach me through one of the many social media sites I use, but until I get my operation back up and running, I don’t know if that would help much.
Thank for your patience,