Hello my fine feathered Minions. I realize it’s been a while since we talked. I assure you I haven’t forgotten you. We’ve had a series of sicknesses followed by events followed by very important thing to do followed by hangovers and chores and such. It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s that even the dead have to sleep sometime.
I also realize it’s been a while since I showed you some of the wonderful items that would make acceptable offerings should you wish to please your master. First up tonight is this Badass Tactical Tomahawk. I’m not sure what I might need one of these for, but I figure if I have it and then discover what I might need it for, that’s better than not having it at all.
Spring is in the air. For me, that only means we’re one season closer to fall, but I suppose we have to get along somehow. One of the ways I like to get along is to buy lots of random gnomes for Bride, who is now the proud owner of many, many gnomes. This Garden Battle Gnome with Hammer is exactly the sort of thing that will get me that raised eyebrow exasperation I so desperately crave. There’s another one that comes with an ax, too.
Well, while I do count down the days until Halloween, there is one day in spring that pleases me greatly, and that’s St. Patrick’s day. A buddy of mine has a daughter whose birthday falls on old St. Paddy’s so he can’t go out drinking with the rest of us. But perhaps getting drunk and hitting up the kid’s party in this 2-Part Leprechaun Mask might bring him some o’ the joy he be missin’!
And finally, I definitely don’t know if its worth the price tag, but I was at a store the other day that had this Baroness Figure on display and it is freakin’ awesome and I want it. Therefore you should all pool your funds and buy me one.
Scarydad has spoken. Long live Scarydad.