A while back I began making little animal cars for Spawn. People seem to like them so I’ve decided to make a few and post them on Etsy for sale. They’re not ready yet but I will certainly tell you when you can buy one. In the meantime I thought you might be interested to see what goes into making a simple wooden toy.
I begin by creating a template. I sketch a few versions and go with my favorite. Then I make a couple copies in case something happens to the original, and cut him out.
The template is sketched directly onto the stock. This is a piece of poplar leftover from another project.
Using the scroll saw, I cut away all the wood that is not the shark. Note that I did not cut out the teeth yet.
The next step is to use the router to round off the edges. This is why I didn’t cut out the teeth yet. You see, I started this project before and I cut out the teeth before I rounded the edges. The router bit caught in the teeth and ripped off the bottom jaw and almost injured poor little old me. So I learned to do it the correct way.
Now we go back and do the dental work.
I then sand and sand and sand some more. When I’m done sanding, I do a bit more sanding, then use a bit of sandpaper to finish up. Then Mr. Shark is rubbed with mineral spirits and left to dry overnight while Dr. Scarydad writes a blog about his latest creation.
To be continued….
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