Can you feel it? It’s already in the air. Over to your right there’s a countdown timer –>
Halloween is on its way!

I realize there are over 100 days until Halloween, but what the heck? 100 days go by really fast. Hey, I’m still nursing my New Year’s hangover and it’s already July. Besides, when you live where I do the Halloween decorations serve as something of a beacon; a beautiful orange and black promise that there will soon come an end to the triple-digit temperatures and 100% humidity. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why more people around here aren’t always praying for the end of October to arrive. It certainly is the most pleasant time of the year.
I think it’s funny too that events like Halloween seem to sneak up on people. A week before the big day you will see people scrambling about trying to pick through the leftovers at Walgreens as if they just found out about it. It comes the same time every year!
Watch this:
First get all patriotic and boozed up. Then when you go to the store on July 5 for some asprin, you will see this:
Within a few short weeks, in some places maybe even days, you will see this:
Then, one day soon after you’re pushing a cart through a store, and all of a sudden, this:
See? You have lots of warning. A lot of lead time. You just have to (literally) read the signs!
So now is the time to start being creative. My friends over at the Halloween forum have a decade’s worth of content and conversation about this awesome time of year. I’m currently gathering supplies to do some DIY posts in the very near future. (I have to build a work bench first though. The previous owner took his with him. I’ll likely share that here too.)
So where am I going with this?
Don’t go broke trying to do Halloween! Don’t fight the raging hordes on October 30th! Don’t let it sneak up on you!
Begin to prepare now, little by little. Then by the time the big day arrives, you will already have your props bought and built, your costume planned and either bought or made, and all you really have to do then is stock up on delicious candy and spend your energies having fun like you should.