I Want This!

Hello Minions. I apologize for showing up late tonight. I’ve been in the middle of super secret important stuff and couldn’t break away. But, now here I am. Tonight we’re going to do something a little different.

We all know that Sandy Claws will be coming over soon to clog our chimneys with presents. And for some reason tonight I feel the Christmas spirit a little bit. The other night I began my wish list for this time of the year. As I was doing research for something else entirely, I stumbled upon this: The Addams Family – The Complete Series and I thought about how much I love that show and how I haven’t seen it in reruns lately so that it wold be a perfect gift for me!

And if I like it, your loved ones are bound to love it too because I have impeccable taste!


I Want This!

Mezco Frank
If you have someone in your life who is a fan of classic monster movies, this Universal Monsters 9″ Frankenstein figure by Mezco Toys is a pretty good gift idea. And just in case you were wondering, I have a spot on the shelf in the lair that would make old Frank feel right at home.

Seriously. I saw this figure at Toys R Us the other day but it’s that time of the year when I’m not allowed to buy stuff for myself. 😉

Videos to keep you from Sleeping


Good evening everyone. Wow, what a weekend! We made it through the first annual Scarydad Halloween Bash and boy was it fun! Only just now are the various potions and poisons I consumed beginning to wear off. My fangs are retracting as we speak but the sensitivity to light is still pretty intense. I believe this recovery may take a while.

But hey, I’m still here for you. Tonight we present some horror fodder to help you sleep a little better. Pay special attention to American Horror Story. This is a truly frightening show and I cannot wait for Wednesday night for the second episode.

Have fun!


New Orleans Picdump

New Orleans

Ah, The Big Easy. What do I love the most? Is it the the music, the food, and the history? The architecture and the attitude? The weirdos and the voodoo?

I swear I never noticed the guy in the horse mask until I uploaded this picture. The answer is all of the above and everything else! 

I love this town!


Awesome Wheelchair Costumes!

Do y’all want to see something awesome that will also warm your heart?

Check out these super-creative wheelchair costumes! I just pulled a couple pictures off the site to show off. There are a lot more RIGHT HERE!

This one is my favorite.

 Go check them out!

Videos to keep you from sleeping

Hello Minions. Your master is unwell; sick with some sort of plague. I’ve raided my labs and consumed every elixir to no avail. I must rest. In my absence, please enjoy the following moving pictures. Good night.


Videos to keep you from sleeping

Good evening.

We are cooking up a few special things here at the labs. I spent the weekend scouring graveyards and hardware stores for the necessary supplies for my next creation. In the meantime, please enjoy these videos and remember that the thing under the bed is probably not as scared of you as you are of it.


More videos to keep you from sleeping

I ran across this video tonight. I realize there’s a lot of Titanic retrospective stuff out lately with the centennial anniversary, but this one stood out and I was pleasantly surprised. Truly haunting.
