Guest Post: Ghost Story (Part 1) by Gene Yagley III

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Tonight we have something a little different. Please enjoy the first part of a nice ghost story by a friend of Scarydad, Mr. Gene Yagley III. This is Scarydad’s first experiment with an episodic story so let me know what you think.


My Apologies

Good morning my friends,

I must apologize for my absence last week. We had a bit of a scare with Dad of Scarydad and I was hanging out in his room as the doctors ensured he would recover to wreak havoc once more. We have a full week this week, including a ghost story by a guest author and a review of some delicious spirits.

Thank you for your patience,


Scarydad Review: Cold Steel Gladius Machete

Cold Steel Gladius Machete

A few months ago I told you all how I really wanted the Gladius Machete from Cold Steel. Well, a couple of weeks ago I went from desire to possession when the sword arrived at my door. Today I got to use it for the first time so I’ll tell you all about it now.



Scarydad Project: Sam from Trick ‘r Treat

IMG_3520 Good evening my faithful Minions! As you read last week, I recently watched Trick ‘r Treat for the first time and loved every second of it. Ever since then, little Sam has been begging to come alive. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to grant his wish. Please come along and see how this character came about.


Scary Movie Night: Trick ‘r Treat

trick r treat

Sometimes a movie gets by you. Such was the case with Trick ‘r Treat until very recently. I had seen the movie poster but for whatever reason I never paid attention. Then one day I saw a picture of a Sam action figure and thought, “Man, that is cool.” So I watched the movie.
