Some Random Stuff I Made out of Scraps

IMG_1077 Hello there everyone, I hope you are well. Tonight I was cleaning out some folders and I found a couple of little projects I did around Halloween. I thought I had lost the pictures but since they’re here, I’ll tell you about the projects!


Doctor Who is too scary for Spawn.


On Saturday I was placed in charge of Spawn and Sequel while Bride took a nap. After a while the baby was asleep and the 3-year-old was playing quietly in her room so I decided to watch something on TV that did not involve Disney Princesses. Everyone I know who has watched it is fully in love with Doctor Who and I’ve been trying to get into it. By “trying to get into it” I don’t mean to say it’s not something I’m into and have to acquire a taste for or anything. Quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the episodes I’ve seen, I just never seem to find the time to watch episodes. It’s a rough life.

So, I sneaked an episode while nobody was looking. Except that someone was looking. Spawn came back into the room at some point and was sitting on the couch with me. Nothing of note had occurred in the episode so I didn’t think much of it. Then the fellow in the picture above appeared suddenly and scared the bejeezus out of my little girl.

Since 11 am yesterday, all she has talked about is the scary pig man on Doctor Who and how it’s too scary and how maybe when she grows up she can watch the scary pig man but not now because he’s too scary. If my daughter has an irrational fear of pigs at some point, I guess it’s my fault.

Happy New Year!

hornsHello and Happy New Year to all my loyal Minions. It’s been awhile, I know. Let me tell you that I’ve missed you quite a bit but I had to force myself to take a break for a while. Here’s why:

In addition to running your favorite website, including doing research, designing and building projects, taking pictures, and running several social media personas, your pal Scarydad is also a husband and a father. In November we welcomed Spawn of Scarydad Part II (The Sequel). I had a newborn and a 3-year-old, and a recovering Bride to see after. Add to this a needy Doberman and the ensuing holidays, and you sort of get where I’m coming from.

I would love to say I got to spend my time off boning up on horror movies and books to review here when I came back but the truth is I mostly saw Beauty & the Beast 47 times and used any spare moment I had to either sleep or try to sleep. I did catch a few gems and we will talk about them soon, but it wasn’t much.

I had forgotten how hard it was to operate when there’s an infant in the house. You think you have a handle on the situation then some giant stinky butt goblin comes out of nowhere and screws everything up. When Spawn was a few weeks old I actually Googled, “baby poops too much” because that baby pooped a hell of a lot. I haven’t needed to do the search this time because the results are pretty much, “babies poop a lot” and I know this. But I would bet that Sequel poops even more.

Yes, my horror blog has turned into a discussion about baby poop. Deal with it.

Well, long story short, my self-imposed sabbatical is complete and I’m ready to get back behind the keyboard and looking forward to a killer 2014.



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Best of Weirdness 2013


Weirdness (13)

Good evening everyone. There’s about 10 minutes left of 2013 so you have time to scroll through some of the best weirdness of the year. Take care and enjoy this evening’s festivities and I’ll see you all back here in January for a return to the abnormal.

Happy New Year!


Wednesday Weirdness

PUBLISHED by Hello and hello there my friends. I apologize again for not writing more lately. Suffice it to say, I have my reasons and not all of them are very entertaining. Spawn and Sequel are doing well. They are keeping me so busy. As soon as one of them is content, the other decides to sing the song of her people. At the top of her lungs. Right next to the other one… who then decides to join the chorus. They harmonize well, though, so that’s good.

The good news is that tonight I got out into the laboratory to work on something. Haven’t done that in what seems like ages. The bad news is that it’s a present for someone so I can’t show it to you. We are falling into a rhythm, however, and I’m thinking I can get back to a semi-regular schedule within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, enjoy this heavy dose of weirdness.

Excelsior! (more…)