Wednesday Picdump

Good evening Minions! Your beloved Scarydad has had a very long and tiring day indeed, so I will leave you a little early with a heavy picture gallery. Remember to submit pics project ideas to


Scary Movie Night: Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

When I was about 15 years old, my dad worked up a list of several classic movies he thought I needed to see. Among these were films such as Cool Hand Luke and The Great Escape. There weren’t many scary movies on the list, but this one was actually close to the top of it. At the time I was a little bit cynical of “old” stuff. I had a stupid kid’s opinion that the special effects wouldn’t measure up and that it was all just cheese and dudes in monkey costumes. My life changed when I sat down with my dad and watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I think this film is responsible for hatching my love of scary movies in general. Before Invasion, they were just cool. After Invasion, they were, or at least could be, important.


Pinterest Project: Pumpkin Muffins

Hello there my faithful Fallen. Today we launch the Pinterest Project we discussed last week. This project also falls under the Fun for Under $5 projects that began with some googly eyes. I will be adding some tags and category headings a little later on and hopefully this will be a regular thing. The spirit of DIY is not to have to shell out a bunch of cash to realize an idea. I hope to help with that.

So, here was the project, copied directly from Pinterest, description and all:

Pumpkin Muffins
“Um yum……. I may never eat anything else for breakfast again. Pumpkin Muffins – only 2 ingredients. That’s right, just the cake mix and the pumpkin. No oil, no eggs, no water, nothing else. Bake at 350, this is a Weight Watchers treat, very low cal.”


Scarydad News and Updates!

Good evening my faithful minions. I trust you are all well? Good! I am mostly recovered from whatever plague I caught earlier in the week and am ready to get back to the labs and  make some more mirth for everyone. I just wanted to take a moment and let you all know what’s been going on at Castle Scarydad and what you can expect in the days to come.

mad scientist
Pictured: Mirth


Fun for less than $5: Googly Eyes!

Hello minions! As I was lying around the house recovering from the zombie virus I got a little bored and decided to create some friends. You don’t need corpses and lightning to create life in inanimate objects. All you need is a few pair of googly eyes.


Videos to keep you from sleeping

Hello Minions. Your master is unwell; sick with some sort of plague. I’ve raided my labs and consumed every elixir to no avail. I must rest. In my absence, please enjoy the following moving pictures. Good night.


Project: Jack O’ Lantern in the Box

Today’s project is the little Jack O’ Lantern-in-the-box from The Nightmare Before Christmas. This guy shows up about 3/4 of the way through the film when Halloweentown’s Christmas gifts come alive and start terrorizing the children. Above is a screenshot from the film and below is my finished guy:

Continue reading for a tutorial on how to create your own!
