Wednesday Weirdness

PUBLISHED by Hello and hello there my friends. I apologize again for not writing more lately. Suffice it to say, I have my reasons and not all of them are very entertaining. Spawn and Sequel are doing well. They are keeping me so busy. As soon as one of them is content, the other decides to sing the song of her people. At the top of her lungs. Right next to the other one… who then decides to join the chorus. They harmonize well, though, so that’s good.

The good news is that tonight I got out into the laboratory to work on something. Haven’t done that in what seems like ages. The bad news is that it’s a present for someone so I can’t show it to you. We are falling into a rhythm, however, and I’m thinking I can get back to a semi-regular schedule within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, enjoy this heavy dose of weirdness.

Excelsior! (more…)

Wednesday Weirdness

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Hello my beloved Minions. I must say that I thought I’d be doing more writing than I am but I’ve been busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. The leg has healed very well, thanks for asking. Just a couple of scars mark the spot.

So, yeah. This past couple weeks have been busy. Every time I sit down to write, something begins leaking out of someone around here and it’s old Scarydad to the rescue. I haven’t been in the shop, or at the keyboard at all. I hate to leave you all so neglected but we all knew what was coming.

Sequel and Spawn are doing very well, however, and Bride has recovered nicely. We are settling in for a bit of a whack-a-mole Christmas, because that’s what it feels like we’re doing most of the time. I assure you that I’m still around and that I have no plans to go anywhere. It’s just a profoundly busy time right about now.

So, enjoy your weekly dose of weirdness and I’ll see you when I can. (more…)

Wednesday Weirdness

Weird Wow guys, I almost forgot it was Wednesday. That was almost embarrassing. Anyway, I’m sort of back in the saddle, so to speak. I’ve been on “vacation” these past couple weeks but haven’t had much time for anything. I have been active on the Facebook page though, so if you haven’t been getting enough Scarydad, feel free to check in there.


Wednesday Weirdness: Turkey Day Edition

theBird (5)I don’t know why but it bothers the hell out of me when people start calling the Thanksgiving turkey, “The Bird.”

It”s all, “Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey…” until about 48 hours out of the oven then it’s suddenly, “The Bird.”

Not making a statement. I live turkey and will eat it however you like to call it. I just don’t like it when you call it “The Bird.” It’s not “The Bird.” “The Bird” is a hand gesture. You are not gonna cook my middle finger on low for 9 hours after a salt brine soak. Or if you are then I’m going to go now.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Here’s to the bird:
