Scary Movie Night: Trick ‘r Treat

trick r treat

Sometimes a movie gets by you. Such was the case with Trick ‘r Treat until very recently. I had seen the movie poster but for whatever reason I never paid attention. Then one day I saw a picture of a Sam action figure and thought, “Man, that is cool.” So I watched the movie.


Scarydad Review: Sinister


Good evening my beloved. Tonight we discuss one of the most frightening films I’ve seen in a good long time. Seriously, I saw Sinister on Saturday evening and it’s still messing with me when I go to bed each night. In the sea of pop culture crap that tries to pass as “horror,” this is the real thing.


Scary Movie Night: The Walking Dead

Walking Dead Hmmm. Two zombie related posts in one week? Must have been someone I ate. (Cue thunderclap and maniacal laughter.) Ah, my beloved Minions, I just can’t wait till I start doing videos and podcasts; I’ll be so funny you’ll laugh yourself to death! Ok, enough with the puns. It’s just been one of those days. And I know that our subject tonight is not a movie and is in fact a television show. I know this. But it’s also scary as hell and the third season is about to start and if you hurry you can get all caught up in time for the season premiere. (more…)

Scary Movie Night: Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

When I was about 15 years old, my dad worked up a list of several classic movies he thought I needed to see. Among these were films such as Cool Hand Luke and The Great Escape. There weren’t many scary movies on the list, but this one was actually close to the top of it. At the time I was a little bit cynical of “old” stuff. I had a stupid kid’s opinion that the special effects wouldn’t measure up and that it was all just cheese and dudes in monkey costumes. My life changed when I sat down with my dad and watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I think this film is responsible for hatching my love of scary movies in general. Before Invasion, they were just cool. After Invasion, they were, or at least could be, important.
