A few months ago I told you all how I really wanted the Gladius Machete from Cold Steel. Well, a couple of weeks ago I went from desire to possession when the sword arrived at my door. Today I got to use it for the first time so I’ll tell you all about it now.
Okay, so the first thing we need to get out of the way is the whole weapon vs. tool thing. The Roman gladius was a military weapon used primarily for thrusting into an enemy during battle. A machete is primarily used for cutting and chopping vegetation. So, it’s a given that the dual usage is a bit of a novelty. I have a perfectly good machete that does an excellent job of chopping shrubbery. I didn’t get this as a yard tool but when I saw an opportunity to wield it today, I took it.
That’s one thing about this sword- whenever I use my machete for something I don’t typically think of myself of “wielding” it. I just use it. The gladius, however, well, this thing is badass, I wielded the hell out of it.

Out of the box the sword is VERY sharp. Scary sharp. Both the edges and the point are mean as hell. And it is a legitimate machete- cut from the same kind of steel your regular machetes are made from.

Look at that point again. Damn. The sheath is reinforced at the tip to keep you from ripping through the nylon. And it definitely needs the reinforcements.
So I failed to take proper pictures because I imagined I was laying waste to Carthage instead but I tell you what…
I was afraid that the tip would bend with heavy use given how thin it is. I was also a bit dubious about the curving of the blade. I don’t know why, it just seemed like it probably wouldn’t work as well as its straight-bladed cousin. Boy was I wrong!
The Cold Steel gladius made such short work of my project that I actually wandered around looking for other stuff to chop because it was so easy and I had not yet sated my sap lust. Not only is it legit, it actually worked as well as or better than my regular machete!
Finally, it’s designed after the sword that conquered the world by stabbing everyone to death, so in a pinch you could use it to dispatch whatever needs dispatching by giving it a good stab.
Scarydad review: Flippin’ badass.