What a busy weekend!
First of all, I finished the heck out of my work bench. I’m so looking forward to Halloween right now. The temperature in that garage was almost 100 degrees AT NIGHT! But it’s finished! It’s done! Woohoo! The next project is that little jack o’ lantern in-the-box. And I have enough plywood left over that I can pretty much build him from scraps. Double bonus!
So, after an evening of building and hammering and sawing on stuff, my thumbs turned a little green and I grabbed a shovel and a rake. You see, at the front of my house is this nice brick wall and a wrought iron gate. Between the wall and the house is this little patch of dirt. The previous owners used it as a place to grow weeds and monkey grass:
But for what I’m going to use to grow tomatoes and pumpkins and stuff. So I cleaned it out:

I have a bit of work to do yet, but eventually this little dirt will be full of yummy goodness. And maybe some bodies. I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.
You may be asking yourself what any of this has to do with Halloween and/or horror. Well…
I used a shovel to turn the cool, moist earth. I encountered any number of creepy crawlies including spiders and worms. I cut myself at least once and watched the living blood drip slowly through clutching fingers.
EVERYTHING has to do with Halloween. Everything.
Also, this is a winter garden I’m planning so I have to get everything ready to plant in the fall.
That’s why.